Sunday, June 14, 2009


A:I read great reviews of the newspaper. How was the play?
B:It was great. I want to have another look at that play.

A: 新聞でその劇のすばらしい評論を読みました。劇はどうでしたか?
B: すばらしかったです。もう一度見たいです。

*have/take a look at は「ちらっと見る・ひとめ見る」というニュアンス
A:I read great reviews of the play in the newspaper. How was the play?
B:It was great. I want to see it again.

A: I need time-off. To whom should I submit my request for time-off?
B: You should put in the manager.

A: 私は休暇が必要です。誰に休暇の申請を話せばいいのですか?
B: 部長に申請したらいいです。

*put in はちょっとかたい感じがしますね。目的語と、提出先の前に前置詞が必要です。

A: I need time-off. To whom should I submit my request for time-off?
B: You should put in a request to the manager.


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